icona per area di intervento di geopolitica

Regional Cooperation and Development of Energy Resources in the Central-Eastern Mediterranean

19 October 2016, Sala Capitolare of the Senate of the Republic, Chiostro del Convento di Santa Maria della Minerva, Rome

Not only are the abundant hydrocarbon reserves discovered off the coasts of Israel, Cyprus and Egypt a crucial component of the EU energy diversification strategy, but they also offer the opportunity of launching a stabilization and integration process on the regional scale, which was long cause of political tension among the riparian states.

The aim of the conference was to assess how these different dynamics could intertwine against such a complex regional political backdrop and how they can foster the establishment of more inclusive governance mechanisms aiming at developing energy cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean and towards Europe.

Promoted by CIPMO and by the Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI), the initiative was supported by Eni and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Analysis, Programming Statistical and Historic Documentation Unit.


Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director of IAI; Armando Barucco, Head of the Analysis, Programming Statistical and Historic Documentation Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Janiki Cingoli, President of the Italian Center for Peace in the Middle East (CIPMO); Pasquale Salzano, Executive Vice President and Institutional Affairs Director at Eni; Rolla Scolari, Director of Oasis Foundation and journalist for La Stampa; Bassam Fattouh, Director of the Oxford Intitute for Energy Studies (OIES) at the University of Oxford and Professor of Finance and Management for Middle East at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of London; Sherif El Diwany, public policies Advisor of the executive board at Alexandria Business Association (ABA), former executive director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES); Brenda Shaffer, Professor at the School of Political Science at the University of Haifa and Visiting Researcher at the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies (CERES), Georgetown University; Harry Tzimitras, Director of the Cyprus Center (PRIO); Ahmet Sözen, Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs and Director of the Political Sciences Department at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagosta (Northern Cyprus); Ugo Tramballi, journalist, correspondent and columnist for Il Sole 24 Ore; Marco Berti Palazzi, International Relations Officer – South Mediterranean and Maghreb Countries, European Commission Directorate General for Energy; Ahmet Evin, Professor at Sabancı University and Senior Scholar at the Istanbul Policy Center; Ekavi Athanassopoulou, Assistant Professor of International Relations, International and European Studies at the National and Kapodistria University of Athens; Valeria Termini, Commissioner of the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity, Gas and Water System (AEEGSI), Vice-president of Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG), professor of Economy and governance of energy markets at Roma Tre University.


Paper 1 (CIPMO)

“The new energy resources in the East Mediterranean: possible current and future geostrategic consequences”, by Janiki Cingoli, CIPMO President- Link

Paper 2 (IAI)

Energy Resources and Regional Cooperation in the East Mediterranean”, by Nicolò Sartori, Lorenzo Colantoni and Irma Paceviciute* – Link

*Nicolò Sartori is Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Energy Programme at the Institute for International Affairs (IAI). Lorenzo Colantoni is Associate Fellow at IAI and focuses specifically on the Energy Programme. Irma Paceviciute is currently an intern at IAI.